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Nurturing Positive Relationships With Immediate Family Members


Nurturing Positive Relationships With Immediate Family Members

Do you struggle to maintain a positive relationship with your father, mother, brother, sister, spouse, or child? If so, you’re not alone. Oftentimes, the people closest to us are the ones who know how to push our buttons the most. And conversely, we tend to show the worst sides of ourselves to the individuals we feel most comfortable around.While building...[ read more ]

Nurturing Positive Relationships With Extended Family Members

Maintaining healthy relationships with extended family members—such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and in-laws—can be tough. According to an article published by YouGov, 46% of Americans don’t have any extended family members living in the same city or town as them. Unfortunately, for many people, this distance can make it difficult to nurture positive family relationships.If you’re...[ read more ]

Nurturing Positive Relationships With Friends

The importance of having positive friendships in your life cannot be overstated. Healthy friendships can help you feel happier and more self-confident, reduce your stress levels, and prevent you from feeling lonely or isolated. When times are good, friends can help you celebrate. And when times are bad, they can help pick you up and provide a kind shoulder to...[ read more ]

Nurturing Positive Relationships

No matter how independent you may be, it’s still important to build healthy relationships with your immediate and extended family members, friends, and coworkers. Research suggests that when we foster connections with those around us, it can:Improve our self-esteemMake us more cooperative, empathetic, and trustingStrengthen our immune systemsExtend our livesReduce our risk of developing anxiety and depressionHow to Build Healthy...[ read more ]