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Nurturing Positive Relationships With Coworkers

Nurturing Positive Relationships With Coworkers

If you’ve ever worked in a toxic environment, you know how taxing it can be. Conversely, when colleagues have positive working relationships, it can:

  • Increase productivity and efficiency
  • Allow you to trust one another
  • Make you feel more empowered to suggest ideas
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Make your work experience much more enjoyable

Whether you’ve just started at a new job or you’ve been employed for a while but are still finding your footing at the company, here are some steps you can take to build healthy relationships with coworkers:

  • Follow through on your promises. Your coworkers need to feel like they can rely on you to pull your weight of the work, and to ensure that happens, you have to fulfill your commitments. Also be sure to meet deadlines, and if you anticipate not being able to do so, give your colleagues a heads up.
  • Listen to your coworkers. Oftentimes, employees focus only on voicing their own opinions, perhaps in an attempt to prove themselves to their boss. But it’s equally important to actively listen to and acknowledge what your coworkers have to say.
  • Get to know your coworkers on a personal level. You and your colleagues don’t need to be best friends, but it may make it easier for you both to empathize if you know a bit about each other. Ask them how their weekend was and pay attention when they discuss their family and hobbies.
  • Avoid getting involved in office gossip. While you should be friendly with your coworkers, you shouldn’t participate in spreading rumors. Not only can engaging in gossip keep you from getting tasks completed, but it may also cause your coworkers to question whether you talk about them, too.
  • Show appreciation. Acknowledging your coworkers’ efforts can go a long way toward making them feel valued. This doesn’t just apply to work-related efforts, either—if they bring in baked goods or arrange a fun team outing, be sure to tell them how much you enjoyed it.

Start Building Positive Working Relationships

Are you seeking to nurture healthy relationships with coworkers? We can help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Seattle, WA


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