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5 Common Types of OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can cause a person to have recurring, unwanted thoughts and urges (obsessions) and/or repetitively perform certain actions (compulsions). But did you know that there are numerous types of OCD? Below are five of the most common forms of this disorder.1. Checking OCDThis type of OCD causes someone to repeatedly check items around their house because they’re worried...[ read more ]

The Different Types of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy can be a powerful vehicle for personal transformation. By speaking with a trained therapist in a safe and confidential environment, a person has the opportunity to explore their inner world and gain an understanding of their behaviors.Research has now shown that individual psychotherapy can be highly effective at improving the symptoms of a wide range of mental health issues...[ read more ]

Tips for Dealing with Grief Around Summertime Holidays

As we head into summer, many people are already getting their backyards and patios ready for big family BBQs and holiday get-togethers. Summer is definitely a time for relaxing and having some fun with the people you love most.But the summer holiday get-togethers can be extremely hard to handle when you are grieving the recent death of a loved one....[ read more ]

Health & Wellbeing Benefits of Home Gardening

Spring is right around the corner and that means many people will begin to get ready to plant their flower and vegetable gardens. Gardening is not only one of the oldest human pastimes, it’s also one of the most popular , with over 75% of the American population taking part according to a National Gardening Survey.If you are an avid...[ read more ]

OCD Behaviors: How do They Manifest?

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) affects millions of people in this country from all walks of life. If you or a loved one suffers with OCD, you know the symptoms typically include developing strict routines or avoiding specific objects or situations. But what is the root cause of OCD and how exactly do these behaviors manifest? Once an individual understands how...[ read more ]

Cultivating Mindfulness in Daily Life

Have you heard about the concept of mindfulness? It involves being aware of the thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations that you’re experiencing at any given time (this is commonly referred to as “present moment awareness”). Practicing mindfulness offers numerous benefits, including:Reduced stress, anxiety, and depressionIncreased sense of well-beingEnhanced cognitive abilitiesSlowed brain agingLowered blood pressureImproved sleepPain managementImproved quality of life for...[ read more ]

Understanding Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Everyone worries from time to time. But if you find yourself worrying on most days for at least six months, you may have a condition known as generalized anxiety disorder. People with this disorder often worry excessively about everyday issues, such as their:HealthFamilyWorkMoneyWhat Are the Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder?The hallmark symptom of generalized anxiety disorder is constant, uncontrollable worrying....[ read more ]

Understanding Panic Disorder

If you’ve had at least four panic attacks and you regularly worry that you’ll experience another one, you may have panic disorder. In some cases, this type of anxiety can make it difficult for people to leave their home, since they may worry about when and where their next panic attack will occur.What Does a Panic Attack Feel Like?Panic attacks...[ read more ]

Understanding Social Anxiety Disorder

Also known as “social phobia,” social anxiety disorder causes someone to intensely fear normal social interactions. This is more than shyness or a fear of public speaking—someone with social anxiety disorder excessively worries about being judged during everyday situations such as making eye contact with someone or talking to a stranger. They may be reluctant to attend school, work, a...[ read more ]

Understanding Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder that causes someone to excessively worry about leaving an environment that they consider to be safe (in many cases, their home). Oftentimes, individuals with this type of anxiety are concerned that they won’t have help available to them when necessary, or that they won’t be able to escape a dangerous or embarrassing situation. Someone who...[ read more ]

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