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5 Common Types of OCD

5 Common Types of OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can cause a person to have recurring, unwanted thoughts and urges (obsessions) and/or repetitively perform certain actions (compulsions). But did you know that there are numerous types of OCD? Below are five of the most common forms of this disorder.

1. Checking OCD

This type of OCD causes someone to repeatedly check items around their house because they’re worried that being careless could potentially lead to damage. For example, they may feel the urge to keep checking that their stove burners are off or that their door is locked.

2. Contamination OCD

Individuals with this type of OCD have the urge to repeatedly wash their hands and clean their home because they’re disgusted by the thought of dirty objects and fear catching an illness.

3. Intrusive Thoughts OCD

This type of OCD can cause distressing thoughts to pop into someone’s head at random times. For example, someone may suddenly think about hurting a friend or family member, swerving into oncoming traffic, or jumping from a high building.

4. Organization OCD

Someone with this type of OCD is obsessed with having their things in exactly the right place. For instance, when putting groceries away, they might take the time to make sure that all of the labels face outward. And when hanging pictures, they may be careful to ensure that the frames are perfectly level.

5. Ruminations OCD

As with intrusive thoughts OCD, this type of OCD can cause ideas to suddenly occur. However, with ruminations OCD, these thoughts typically aren’t distressing. Someone with this type of OCD will feel the urge to continue thinking about these ideas for an extended period of time, often causing them to ignore other responsibilities.

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

If you think you might have OCD, one of the first things you should do is reach out to a qualified therapist who has experience treating this disorder. Once we’ve spoken with you about your symptoms and medical history, we’ll be able to confirm your diagnosis and supply you with personalized treatment recommendations. Contact us today to schedule a therapy appointment at a date and time that fits into your schedule.

Seattle, WA


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